Industry Information
- Automotive Recycling Has Been Offering A Vast Selection of Recycled Parts For Several Generations
- Recycling Values That Save You Time and Money!
- By Purchasing Recycled Vehicle Parts, You'll Also Be Helping To Save Our Environment
- Discover Automotive Recycling Values ... They've Always Been There!
- Look For Your Local "PARTS" Member ... Helping You Do Your Part!
Automotive Recycling Has Been Offering A Vast Selection of Recycled Parts For Several Generations
Automotive recyclers purchase damaged, abandoned, or used vehicles from insurance companies or individuals. The majority of vehicles purchased by automotive recyclers are "late-models," ranging in age from "brand-new" to several years.
Recycled vehicles go through a dismantling process similar to an automotive assembly line running in reverse. The usable, undamaged parts are removed from vehicles, inspected, tested, inventoried, and stored for resale. These reusable parts are typically marketed and sold to body shops, garages, used car dealers, and retail customers.
Away from the point of impact there are plenty of perfectly good parts that can be reused and recycled. Vast inventories of preassembled, ready to install reusable parts for hundreds of different makes and models ensure timely completion of your automotive repair needs.
The damaged, or non-marketable, parts that remain are recycled for their metal/material value, or they are sold to parts remanufacturers. The reuse and recycling of vehicles has been practiced since the day when Henry Ford first mass produced the automobile: in Pennsylvania alone, hundreds of thousands of vehicles become available for recycling annually.

In September 2015, PARTS celebrated 50 years of service to the auto salvage and recycling industry in Pennsylvania. The picture above is of the Past Chairs that attended our event to help reminisce, meet some new people in the industry, and to be honored for their leadership and dedication to PARTS.
Standing, left to right: Charlie Bauer, Michael Angelo, Jeff Conner, Steve Baker, Richard Cherico, and Todd Mueller; seated, left to right: Harvey Gray, John "Jack" Young, Sol Toder, John Mueller, and Jim Strunk
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Recycling Values That Save You Time and Money!
PARTS is looking for members interested in participating on one (or more) of our standing.
"Reusable" or "recycled" auto and truck parts are among the best money-saving values you'll find anywhere in the world. When shopping for replacement automotive parts today, you, the consumer, have three basic choices:
- Buy "new original equipment manufacturer" (OEM) parts from a dealer...usually involving time delays and high costs.
- Buy "new" foreign imported parts, which are copies of OEM parts...often less expensive than new, but may not be of same quality.
- Buy recycled OEM parts...from an automotive recycler...available today and the least expensive choice...saves our environment, too!
Recycled OEM parts have been factory assembled and meet the manufacturer’s specifications. A reusable door is sold "fully assembled." (You can't buy a new assembled door from a manufacturer. You get the "shell" and then you have to purchase and install the requisite parts: molding glass; mirror; electric window motor; and more.) All told the new door "assembled" may cost more than twice when compared to a "recycled door assembly."
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By Purchasing Recycled Vehicle Parts, You'll Also Be Helping To Save Our Environment
There's more to the recycled parts story than saving money on auto repairs. Our industry consolidates and recycles damaged, abandoned, and inoperable vehicles, making our remaining countryside, streets, and neighborhoods safer and more pleasant places in which to live and enjoy. By recycling automotive parts, we save the natural ores, resources, and energy needed to manufacture new automotive parts.
The automobile is one of the few major manufactured products that has a percentage of its components reused, or recycled. Each automotive part that is resold and reused represents energy savings in the manufacturing of new replacement parts. Saving this energy reduces air pollution as well as our nation's dependence on foreign oil. In Pennsylvania alone, the recycling of automobiles represents an annual conservation of 1,212,698 barrels of oil: enough energy savings to heat more than 50,000 homes.
Recycled vehicles are the number one source of our national scrap metal supply. Tons of cast iron, steel, aluminum, platinum, copper, and lead are recovered annually by the automotive recycling industry.
As you can see, the automotive recycling industry has a major impact on the resource conservation...but the story doesn't end there. Recycling automotive parts also helps keep vehicle insurance costs affordable. Often an automotive recycler will pay an insurance company thousands of dollars for a damaged late model vehicle, reducing the insurance company's "total claim costs." This means lower vehicle insurance premiums for consumers.
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Discover Automotive Recycling Values ... They've Always Been There!
The vehicle you are driving today is a collection of used parts...whether it's a brand new model, or a "vintage vehicle." (Once you drive the vehicle, all the parts are "used.") If your vehicle went "out of service" today, wouldn't some of the parts on your vehicle still be perfectly useable...maybe the battery...the tires...the radio...a door...a bumper?
The reusable, recycling value of automotive parts has been recognized for several generations. It's a savings value that you, too, can enjoy...automotive recyclers, often using the latest computer technology, keep an inventory of tens of thousands of parts. If they don't inventory the part you need, they can usually find it through "telephone voice lines," or computer inventory search systems which place them in direct contact with hundreds of other automotive recyclers. They usually can locate even the most difficult to find automotive part, and have it in your hands in a day or two.
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Look For Your Local "PARTS" Member ... Helping You Do Your Part!
The Pennsylvania Automotive Recycling Trade Society (PARTS) is the trade association representing responsible, quality automotive recyclers in Pennsylvania. Members agree to abide by an industry code of ethics and often offer a limited warranty on various parts they sell.
Check our membership directory now or search your local yellow pages under: "Auto Parts - Users;" "Auto Wreckers;" or "Truck Parts - Used." Always ask if the business is a member of their trade association...PARTS. If they are, there's a good chance they will be able to meet your automotive replacement part need with a quality recycled, reusable a very substantial savings.
For even more information visit our national industry association web page at
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Member benefits include:
- Insurance programs
- Legal assistance
- PennDOT assistance